Friday 6 May 2022

Reasoning Mock test and Quantitative Aptitude (mcq) & mcq Quize for Railway Exam and others competitive Exam.

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 Why Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude Question important to competitive cbt exams?

i) Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude Measure candidates non-verbal abilities. students must, through logical and abstract reasoning, extract rules,analogies and structures which students subsequently use to find correct answer amount the set of four multiple choice options in mcq questions. 

ii) Nowadays Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude questions high scoring because weighted in competitive exam 30% to 40% of total questions.

iii) Higher accuracy on Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude question by students hence negative Score reduced.

iv) Less topic and repeated question from Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude topic always attract to students.

 what is Syllabus of Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude question asked in Railway and others Exam?

Syllabus of General Intelligence and Reasoning / Quantitative Aptitude are covered from following topics.

i) Analogies.   
ii) Alphabetical and Number Series.
iii) Coding and Decoding.
iv) Mathematical operations.
v) Relationships.
vi) Syllogism.
vii) Jumbling of sentence. 
viii) Venn Diagram
ix) Mirror image and water image
x) Data Interpretation and Sufficiency.
xi) Conclusions and Decision Making.
xii) Similarities and Differences.
xiii) Analytical reasoning.
xiv) Classification.
xv) Directions.
xvi) Statement, Arguments and Assumptions.



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