Thursday 17 November 2022



CLICK HERE for Official Notice PDF Download


 The following activities have already been completed by RRBs:

 1. Revised results by 21 RRBs of 1st stage CBT from 30th March 2022 onwards.

 2. The 2nd Stage Computer Based Tests (CBTs) for Pay Levels 6 and 4 were conducted on 09th and 10th May-2022.

 3. Results for 2nd Stage CBTs of Level-6 & 4 notified from 8th June 2022 onwards.

 4. The 2nd Stage CBT for Pay Levels 5, 3 and 2 conducted from June 12, 2022 to June 17, 2022.

 5. CBT for RRB Guwahati, postponed due to connectivity issues, conducted for Pay Level 5 & 2 on 11.08.22 & Pay Level 3 on 12.08.22 

6. Computer Based Aptitude Test (CBAT) for Pay Levels 6 and 4 held on 30th July 2022.

7. Computer Based Typing Skill Test (CBTST) of Pay Levels 5 and 2 held on 12.08.22.

8. CBTST for shift 1 which could not be conducted due to technical issue held on 27.08.2022.

9. CBTST for RRB Guwahati for Pay Levels 5 & 2 held on 08th October 2022.

 Empanelment is to be done by RRBs level wise from highest level to lowest level so that one candidate is empanelled against one post only. Those declared medically unfit for the highest level have to be considered for lower level if coming in merit.

Tentative Schedule and progress of activities that is proposed to be done level wise by RRBs for filling up 35,281 vacancies is as under:

1. Graduate Level - rrb ntpc Level -6 tentative schedule as below
i) Results of final stage - Declared on 07.09.2022
ii) Document Verification & Medical Examination -2nd week of October 2022 onwards
iii) Empanelment by RRBs - 2nd week of Nov. 2022 onwards
iv) The Notified vacancies in level-6  -7,124

2. Graduate Level -  rrb ntpc Level -5 tentative schedule as below
i) Results of final stage - 3rd week of Nov, 2022 onwards
ii) Document Verification & Medical Examination -2nd week of Dec. 2022 onwards
iii) Empanelment by RRBs - 3rd week of Jan. 2023 onwards
iv) The Notified vacancies in level-5  -17,393

3. Graduate Level - rrb ntpc Level -4 tentative schedule as below
i) Results of final stage - 2nd week of Jan, 2023
ii) Document Verification & Medical Examination -1st week Feb. 2023.
iii) Empanelment by RRBs - 4th week of Feb. 2023
iv) The Notified vacancies in level -4 - 161

4. Undergraduate Level - rrb ntpc Level -3 tentative schedule as below
i) Results of final stage - 4th week of Jan, 2023 onwards.
ii) Document Verification & Medical Examination -2nd week of Feb. 2023 onwards
iii) Empanelment by RRBs - 1st week of March 2023 onwards
iv) The Notified vacancies in level-3 - 4,940

5. Undergraduate Level - rrb ntpc Level -2 tentative schedule as below
i) Results of final stage - 2nd week of Feb., 2023 onwards
ii) Document Verification & Medical Examination -4th week of Feb. 2023 onwards
iii) Empanelment by RRBs - 4th week of March 2023 onwards
iv) The Notified vacancies in level-2 -

Note: The above timeline is tentative and may vary from RRB to RRB considering the workload being handled by each RRB

1. Candidates are advised to refer only to the official websites of RRBs for latest updates on the recruitment process. Please do not be misled by unauthenticated sources.

2. Beware of touts who try to misguide candidates with fake promises of appointment for jobs on illegal consideration. RRB selections are based on Computer Based Test (CBT) and recruitment is based only on the merit of the candidates.

Friday 4 November 2022

Extension in joining time from date of issue of Offer of Appointment in Railways Group C & D post

 Extension in joining time from date of issue of Offer of Appointment in Railways Group C & D post i.e. RRB NTPC, ALP TECHNICIAN-III, JE, GROUP D, Ministerial and isolated category and Para medical Staff recruitment.

An offer of Railways appointment should clearly specify the period (which shall not normally exceed one or two months) for selected candidates. if the candidate did not join within the specified period the offer letter would lapse automatically and No New appointment letter issue this regards and candidature may be cancelled. But As per Railways Guidelines and circular in form of RBE 189/2019 dated 08.11.2019 (NO. E(NG)II/2019/RR-1/19) give Extension in joining time from date of issue of Offer of Appointment in Railways Group C & D post with following Guidelines.

The issue of granting extension in joining from date of issue of Offer of Appointment based on guidelines of DOP&T dated 11.11.2010 has been examined and it has been decided to adopt the same as suitable to Railways mutatis mutandis. The relevant extracts of DOP&T's OMS dated 06.06.1978 & 09.08.1995 as incorporated in DOP&T's OM dated 11.11.2010 is summarized below for guidance and compliance:

(1) An offer of appointment should clearly specify the period (which shall not normally exceed one or two months) after which the offer would lapse automatically if the candidate did not join within the specified period.

(ii) If, however, within the specified period, a request is received from the candidate for extension of time, it may be considered but extension beyond three months should not be granted and it may be granted only as an exception where facts and circumstances so warrant and in any case only up to a maximum of six months from the date of issue of the original offer of appointment. An offer of appointment would lapse automatically after the expiry of six months from the date of issue of the original offer of appointment.

(iii) If, even after the extension(s), if any, granted by the Competent Authority, a candidate does not join (which shall not exceed a period of six month), the offer of appointment should lapse.

(iv) An order of appointment which has lapsed should not ordinarily be revived later, except in exceptional circumstances and on grounds of public interest.
Q-1. How many time given for Extension in joining time from date of issue of Offer of Appointment in Railways Group C & D post.?
Answer- it may be considered for 3 months initially  but extension beyond three months.
Q-2. How many time given for Extension beyond three months approved?
Answer-  it may be granted only as an exception where facts and circumstances so warrant and in any case only up to a maximum of six months from the date of issue of the original offer of appointment. 
Q-3. What Happens when Candidates has been not reported for joining after 3/6 months Extension?
Answer- An offer of appointment would lapse automatically after the expiry of six months from the date of issue of the original offer of appointment. 
Q-4. How to apply Extension of joining by Candidates?
Answer- Candidates can a request by Email or submit Hard copy in Division (where required to reporting mentioned in joining letter) with specific Reason for Extension of Joining. 
Q-5. How to Download official Notice / RBE/LETTER of Extension of Joining Time?
Answer- This notice Available in Railways official website and Candidates Shall Download from Click here. 
Railway joining letter pdf 2022 and railway joining letter format download from below link (RRB NTPC 2019 CEN. NO. 1/2019).
Railway joining letter pdf 2022 CLICK HERE FILLED FORM 

Wednesday 2 November 2022

RRB NTPC Result Declared Panel, 2nd DV, Medical Unfit, Typing skills Test (CBTST) etc for Level-6,5,4,3 & 2

21 RRB NTPC 2022 RESULT, PANEL, 2nd DV, Typing test result and Medical Status.
Level 6,5,4,3 & 2 result & panel
  2nd DV, Medical, typing test result & Balance Post Available
L-6 Yes 2nd DV - Yes, Typing test result -Yes
2nd DV - Yes, typing test - Yes
L-6 Yes, L6 2nd Panel - Yes, L5-Yes
2nd & 3rd DV - Yes, Medical L6 - Yes, Typing Result - Yes
L-6 Yes, L5-Yes (GD)
L-6 2nd DV - Yes,Typing Result - Yes
L6 - Yes, L5 DV-Yes Typing test result -Yes
L6 - Yes, L5 DV Yes,
2nd DV - Yes, Re-medical -Yes, Typing Result - Yes
L6 - Yes, L5 - Yes
Re-medical -Yes, Typing Result - Yes
L6 - Yes, L5 - Yes
2nd DV - Yes, Re-medical -Yes, Typing Result - Yes
L6 -Yes, 2nd panel - Yes, L5 DV -Yes
2nd DV - Yes, Typing test result - Yes
L6 5th Panel -Yes, L5 DV -Yes
Typing result - Yes, L6 2nd & 3rd  DV-Yes 
KOLKATA L6 - Yes, L5 DV -Yes Typing test result -Yes, L6 2nd DV -Yes
L6 - Yes 2nd DV L-6 -YES, Typing Test Result - Yes
L6 - Yes, L5 DV -Yes
Typing Result - Yes, Re-Medical -Yes
L6 - Yes, L-5 DV - Yes Typing Result - Yes, 2nd DV - Yes
L6 - Yes, L5-Yes 2nd DV L-6 - Yes, Typing Result - Yes
L6 - Yes -
L6 - Yes, L5 DV -Yes
Typing result - Yes
L6 - Yes
2nd DV - Yes, typing test result -yes
L6 - Yes, L5 DV -Yes Re-medical - Yes, 2nd DV - Yes, Typing test result  - Yes
L6 - Yes, L5 DV-Yes
Typing Result - Yes, SM 2nd DV -Yes,


RRB Siliguri and RRB Bhubaneshwar has Declared  NTPC Typing skills Test (CBTST) Result for Level-5 & 2 posts.

 RRB Siliguri and RRB Bhubaneshwar has Declared  NTPC Typing skills Test (CBTST) Result for Level-5 & 2 posts as qualified and not qualified Status.

How To Check Typing Skills test Qualify status ?

 Candidates can checked there typing test status on rrb official website through Login with registration number  and password (Date of birth dd/mm/yyyy format)

Which RRB Published Typing skills test Status first.
i)RRB Siliguri, rrb Bhubaneswar  & rrb chennai has been declared / published CBTST Status very first on 2 November 2022.
ii)rrb Ranchi, rrb Thiruvananthapuram and rrb Chandigarh result for computer based typing test has declared on 3 November 2022. And remaining RRB typing test result / status may be published very soon.